Saturday, April 11, 2009

I thought I liked Pink Floyed until....

I went to their laser show...

Seriously??? I mean every single song of theirs sounds the EXACT same..... I thought it was going to be a really fun time, and it was for about 20 min, but then it kept on dragging and dragging on. I wanted it to be over at intermission but no, it went for a whole nother HOUR.... Not to mention the fact that it was sooooo soooo loud... lets just say I couldn't hear properly for the rest of the night. We got our tickets for free but we probably would have never went if we actually had to pay.. I don't like them that much, even before I realized I hated them.. lol But one thing I should have considered is the type of people that are actually willing to PAY for this type of concert.... not the most pleasant bunch in the world. The lowlight of the night was when the couple sitting next to us said "Where did you leave the pot?"... enough said... :(

I do have to admit though that the lasers were pretty cool, and they gave us some awesome glasses to wear during the show..

1 comment:

Paola said...

Okay, so I just read every one of your last posts. You took a break there for a while, but then I TOTALLY lost track. I'm so excited that you found a job! Good job girl! I bet you love love love it! And oh to be in the water all day! So I never asked...did you get in for conference? And the Timp. Temple? I actually was a little Beehive when it was built and opened. It has a special place in my heart because I was able to push people in wheelchairs over and over again during the open house right after it was built. Oh, and don't worry about Big Love. It's not important. Frustrating, yes, but there will always be frustrating, disrespectful, stupid stuff out there (not only for LDS people). I have totally gone to a Pink Floyd lazer show. Actually, it was the Doors, but same diff. Like you, I forgot to get high before the show, and for some reason, it just wasn't as cool as it was supposed to be. My favorite part was seeing the lady who wore no bra and a mesh top. Good times. :)


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